





E-mail: lihaiqi00@hnu.edu.cn



李海奇,男,湖南邵阳人,现为威廉希尔教授、博士生导师,副院长。20079月至20116月就读于厦门大学王亚南经济研究院,师从世界著名计量经济学家洪永淼教授,获经济学博士学位。曾任美国康奈尔大学经济系访问学者(2014.8-2015.8)目前研究方向为金融计量经济学和金融工程,研究成果发表于经济学和金融学国际权威期刊和中文重点期刊,如Econometric Reviews, Journal of Futures Markets, International Review of Financial Analysis, Economics Letters,《数量经济技术经济研究》和《统计研究》等。曾主持湖南省自然科学基金杰出青年项目一项、国家自然科学基金项目三项、教育部人文社科规划基金项目两项等多项国家和省部级科研项目,担任Journal of Economic Development(1976年创刊)副主编(Associate Editor)。曾获得湖南大学科研标兵、湖南大学优秀教师、湖南大学财经教育基金优秀青年教师奖、湖南大学本科毕业论文优秀指导教师等荣誉或奖励。



1、李海奇, Sung Y. Park (2011) “一个新的稳健ARCH检验和YJ-GARCH模型”, 《统计研究》, 28(7), 104-110. (CSSCI源期刊)

2、李海奇, 洪永淼, 毛尚熠 (2013) “基于广义谱密度方法的线性和非线性格兰杰因果关系检验”, 《数量经济技术经济研究》, 30(5)116-127. (CSSCI源期刊)

3Haiqi Li, Hyung-Gun Kim and Sung Y. Park (2015) “The role of financial speculation in the energy future markets: A new time-varying coefficient approach”, Economic Modelling, 51, 112-122. (SSCI源期刊)

4Haiqi Li, Wanling Zhong and Sung Y. Park (2016)  “Generalized cross-spectral test for nonlinear Granger causality with applications to money–output and price–volume relations”, Economic Modelling, 52, 661-671. (SSCI源期刊)

5Rui Fan, Haiqi Li and Sung Y. Park (2016) “Estimation and hedging effectiveness of time-varying hedge ratio: nonparametric approaches”, Journal of Futures Markets, 36, 968-991. (SSCI源期刊)

6Haiqi Li, Myeong J. Kim and Sung Y. Park (2016) “Nonlinear relationship between crude oil price and net futures positions: A dynamic conditional distribution approach”, International Review of Financial Analysis , 44, 217-225. (SSCI源期刊)

7Haiqi Li, Chaowen Zheng and Yu Guo (2016) “ Estimation and test for quantile nonlinear cointegration”, Economics Letters, 148, 27-32. (SSCI源期刊)

8Haiqi Li, Yu Guo and Sung Y. Park (2017) “Asymmetric Relationship between investor's sentiment and stock returns: evidence from a quantile non-causality test”, International Review of Finance, 17(4), 617-626. (SSCI源期刊)

9Haiqi Li and Sung Y. Park (2018) “Testing for a unit root in a nonlinear quantile autoregression framework”, Econometric Reviews, 37(8), 867–892. (SSCI源期刊, 曾入选ESI全球前1%高被引论文)

10Haiqi Li and Chaowen Zheng (2018) “Unit root quantile autoregression testing with smooth structural changes”, Finance Research Letters, 25, 83-89. (SSCI源期刊)

11Haiqi Li, Rui Fan and Sung Y. Park (2018) “Generalized empirical likelihood specification test robust to local misspecification”, Economics Letters, 171, 149-153

12Haiqi Li, Ying Liu and Sung Y. Park (2018) “Time-varying Investor Herding in Chinese Stock Markets”, International Review of Finance18(4), 717-726. (SSCI源期刊)
